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Breakthrough in State Management – Discover the Simplicity of Signal Store, Part 1


The realm of Angular development is witnessing a transformative shift with the advent of @ngrx/signals, a tool that signifies a major step towards a functional approach in state management. This breakthrough aligns with Angular’s evolving capabilities, notably its new primitives: signals. @ngrx/signals is not just about managing state; it’s about redefining how state is managed in Angular applications. It brings simplicity, flexibility, and a new functional perspective to the forefront, making it a game-changer for developers seeking efficient state management solutions.

Historical Context and Evolution of State Management in Angular

The journey of state management in Angular has been marked by various approaches and solutions. Initially, Angular developers managed state using services and RxJS, an effective method but often leading to complex, unpredictable data flow and lack of specific structure which is hard to debug. The emergence of NgRx introduced a more structured way of managing the state based on the Redux pattern, improving state predictability, albeit with increased verbosity.

As Angular evolved, libraries like Akita and NGXS offered different philosophies for state management, focusing on simplifying the developer experience. Another notable development was @ngrx/component-store, a standalone library providing a more lightweight, reactive state management solution for Angular.

The introduction of @ngrx/signals marks the latest evolution in this trajectory. It combines the robust architecture of NgRx with a functional, less verbose approach. Drawing upon Angular’s core primitives, @ngrx/signals delivers a flexible and efficient way to manage state, effectively reducing the boilerplate associated with traditional state management in Angular. This progression reflects the ongoing efforts to streamline Angular development, making it more approachable and efficient for developers.

General Usage

@ngrx/signals is not just another state management library; it’s a paradigm shift in how developers approach state in Angular applications. Its application spectrum is vast and versatile, addressing the nuanced needs of modern web development.

Basic Implementation: The primary appeal of @ngrx/signals lies in its intuitive implementation. Integrating directly with Angular’s core features offers a familiar yet innovative approach to state management. Developers can leverage their existing Angular expertise to harness the power of @ngrx/signals, experiencing a blend of familiarity and innovation.

Integration with Angular Features: Beyond basic implementation, @ngrx/signals excels in its synergy with Angular’s broader ecosystem. It enhances the functionality of components and services, ensuring a seamless development experience. This integration facilitates a more coherent application architecture, where state management is an integral yet unobtrusive part of the overall design.

Diverse Application Scenarios: The flexibility of @ngrx/signals is evident in its application across a spectrum of development scenarios. It adeptly handles state in smaller applications, offering simplicity and speed. Its robustness and scalability come to the fore in larger, more complex systems, managing intricate state dynamics effectively. @ngrx/signals offers a performance edge, ensuring that state management is responsive and efficient.

In the next sections, we will explore the unmatched flexibility of @ngrx/signals and how it can be tailored to various project requirements, followed by practical examples and case studies demonstrating its capabilities in real-world scenarios.

Technical Deep-Dive: The Intricacies of @ngrx/signals

Factory Function Design

The signalStore function in @ngrx/signals is a masterclass in factory function design. Overloaded to support varying levels of feature complexity, it allows the creation of highly configurable stores. This design showcases the library’s flexibility, catering to diverse state management needs.

Feature Composition and Reduction

Crucial to signalStore is its ability to compose features. Each feature represents a modular piece of store logic, which signalStore seamlessly combines into a unified, efficient state management solution. This compositional approach exemplifies modern software design principles, emphasizing modularity and reusability.

Leveraging TypeScript Generics for Type Safety

@ngrx/signals harnesses TypeScript generics to enforce type safety, a critical aspect for large-scale application development. This ensures developers can precisely shape their store structure, greatly reducing the risk of runtime errors and enhancing maintainability.

Integration with Angular’s Ecosystem

A standout feature of signalStore is its deep integration with Angular’s core features, like dependency injection and lifecycle hooks. This ensures that @ngrx/signals align with Angular’s development patterns, making it a natural fit for developers.

Comparison with Other State Management Solutions

Comparison with NgRx Store

  • Complexity and Boilerplate: While NgRx Store offers a comprehensive Redux-like pattern, it often requires more boilerplate and setup, making it more complex. @ngrx/signals, in contrast, simplifies state management with less boilerplate and more straightforward state updates.
  • Learning Curve: NgRx Store has a steeper learning curve due to its intricate patterns (actions, reducers effects, selectors), whereas @ngrx/signals is more accessible, especially for developers new to state management.

Comparison with @ngrx/component-store

  • Scope of Usage: @ngrx/component-store is designed primarily for component-level state management. @ngrx/signals, however, extends its utility to both component-level and global state management, offering a more versatile solution.
  • API and Design: @ngrx/signals introduces a more functional programming style compared to @ngrx/component-store.
  • Modularity: with SignalStore we can divide our implementation into separate building blocks like, updaters, side effects, computed state where each of them might be in separate file if needed. It’s not possible with component store, what often lead for component store file rapidly growing.

Comparison with Akita and NGXS

  • Simplicity: Both Akita and NGXS provide powerful abstractions for state management but can be more complex and feature-rich. @ngrx/signals focuses on simplicity and ease of use, offering a leaner solution for many applications.
  • Functional Approach: @ngrx/signals stands out with its functional approach to handling state changes, distinguishing it from the more object-oriented approaches of Akita and NGXS.
  • Extensibility: In comparison to the class-based state management is extensibility (We can’t extend multiple classes with class-based approach).

Unique Advantages of @ngrx/signals

  • Minimal Boilerplate: @ngrx/signals reduces the need for extensive boilerplate code, streamlining state management.
  • Ease of Integration: It integrates seamlessly with Angular’s core features, making it a natural choice for Angular developers.
  • Reactive and Efficient: The functional, reactive nature of @ngrx/signals ensures efficient state updates and easier management of asynchronous operations.

Key Components of @ngrx/signals


signalStore is the core function that creates a new store service. It combines various features and state slices into a single store. You can think of it as a container that brings together all parts of your state management.

signalStore is utilized to instantiate CartStore globally. The Dependency Injection (DI) configuration, an optional first parameter of the function, allows for component-level provisioning if not globally defined. This DI configuration mirrors the conventional Angular service setup using the @Injectable decorator’s providedIn property.


withState initializes and configures state slices within the store, essentially setting up the default state of your application or specific features. It’s fundamental for defining initial state values.

In this example, withState initializes cartItems as an empty array.


withComputed is utilized for defining dynamic properties that automatically update in response to changes in the state, streamlining the creation of reactive state dependencies.

This code snippet demonstrates a computed property cartItemsCount that depends on cartItems.


withMethods enhances the store by adding functional methods for state updates or side effects, encapsulating complex state mutations into manageable operations.

In the above example, addItemToCart is a method that updates the state by adding a new item to cartItems.


patchState serves as a key utility in Signal Store for applying targeted updates to the state, facilitating direct modifications or transformative operations while maintaining the state’s immutability and integrity.
We can utilize function in various ways. In scope of our methods defined within withMethods.

or just directly within component which is consuming our store


withHooks seamlessly incorporates lifecycle hooks for initiating custom logic at critical phases like initialization (onInit) and destruction (onDestroy) of a store, aligning state management with Angular’s lifecycle mechanisms.

Declaring a Signal Store

Combining all of the above pieces we can declare a Signal Store. It can be declared similarly to regular service. The store can be defined in its own dedicated file, offering modularity and reusability. Depending on the application’s architecture, it can be provided globally or scoped to specific modules. Here’s an example of our cart store:

In this declaration, we use withState, withComputed, withMethods and withHooks to define the state, computed properties, and methods of the store.

Injecting the Store

The declared store can be injected into components or services as needed. 

In this example, the CartStore is injected into a component, providing easy access to the store’s methods and properties.

Extending Services with Signal Store

Signal Stores can be used to extend existing Angular services, adding state management capabilities to them:\

This approach allows for the integration of state management directly into service classes, leveraging the power and simplicity of NgRx Signals.

In this example we can see the essence of the signalStore – modularity and simplicity of composing stores thanks to the functional approach. Utilizing the function provided by lib we created a simple store responsible for managing CartItems which is extremely easy to further extend. 

Those parts should cover most of our use cases, but there might be scenarios where we would like to combine multiple of them to create wildly reusable features which we would like to utilize across multiple stores. Let’s jump into signalStoreFeature


As many of us who have utilized @ngrx/store know, the @ngrx/entity package offers a robust API that dramatically streamlines the manipulation and querying of entity collections. It significantly reduces repetitive code by handling common operations, such as adding, updating, and removing items from collections, thus enhancing code maintainability and conciseness. Moreover, its built-in selectors facilitate easy querying and state selection, thereby simplifying interactions with complex data structures.

Building on this foundation, @ngrx/signals introduces withEntities, which further simplifies the management of entity collections in the state. It establishes an entity map and an array of entity IDs, along with computed signals for effortless access to entity lists. This streamlined approach enhances operations like the addition, removal, and updating of items. Let’s adapt our previous example to utilize withEntities:

This example highlights the ease with which withEntities facilitates entity management. Automatically created selectors efficiently retrieve collections of entities, while a suite of utility functions, including addEntity, addEntities, setEntity, and setEntities, manage the lifecycle of entities in the store. Whether you’re adding, updating, or removing entities, functions such as updateEntity, updateEntities, removeEntity, and removeEntities follow intuitive patterns, making state management more efficient and developer-friendly.

In future articles, I’ll delve into two complex yet rewarding aspects of @ngrx/signals. Firstly, custom store features leverage signalStoreFeature to extend core functionality and encapsulate common patterns, offering a structured approach to enhance Angular applications. Secondly, RxJS integration via rxMethod showcases the synergy between RxJS’s reactive programming and state management in signal store. Both elements contribute to more robust, maintainable, and efficient development experiences, and deserve a thorough exploration to fully leverage their potential in improving Angular application performance and responsiveness.


The standout feature of @ngrx/signals is its unparalleled flexibility, making it a perfect fit for virtually any Angular project.

Extensibility: @ngrx/signals is designed with extensibility at its core. It allows developers to build upon its foundation, creating custom extensions that cater to specific project needs. This adaptability means that @ngrx/signals can evolve alongside your project, accommodating new requirements and scenarios as they arise.

Compatibility with Other State Management Systems: One of the most compelling aspects of @ngrx/signals is its ability to integrate with other state management systems like NgRx or NGXS. This compatibility ensures that it can be seamlessly incorporated into existing projects without the need to overhaul the entire state management architecture. It acts as a bridge, bringing together different systems under a unified, functional approach.

Customization for Various Project Needs: Every project comes with its unique set of requirements and challenges. @ngrx/signals acknowledges this diversity, offering a suite of customization options. Whether you are working on a small-scale application or a large enterprise system, @ngrx/signals can be tailored to fit the specific needs of your project, ensuring that state management is always aligned with your development goals.


In conclusion, @ngrx/signals emerges as a transformative and innovative approach to state management in Angular applications. This library redefines traditional practices by introducing a functional, flexible, and less verbose method of managing state. It aligns seamlessly with Angular’s core features, enabling developers to efficiently handle state in both small-scale projects and complex enterprise-level applications.

Through its comparison with other state management solutions, @ngrx/signals distinguishes itself as a more accessible and less boilerplate-intensive option, suitable for a wide range of development scenarios. The deep dive into its key components, like signalStore, withState, withComputed, and rxMethod, underscores its versatility and power.

@ngrx/signals stands out not just for its technical merits but also for its contribution to a more streamlined and developer-friendly Angular landscape. It offers a compelling option for developers seeking an efficient, modern approach to state management, promising to significantly enhance the Angular development experience.

As Angular continues to evolve, @ngrx/signals is poised to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of state management within this framework, making it an essential tool for developers looking to stay at the forefront of Angular application development.

About the author

Mateusz Stefańczyk

Angular Developer at House of Angular. Mateusz is an avid editor of In the portal for many years. A fan of all types of consoles and india games. He is a football fan – both real and virtual. Every weekend, he gets comfortable in his armchair, fastens his seat belt, and enjoys the European football games.

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